St Peter's CoE Primary School

Sports Premium - Spending & Impact

Physically active children are not only healthier but do better academically and in life, and are far more likely to be active as adults.  The first ten years of life provide children with a blueprint for their adult lives and is the time when they develop the critical fundamental movement skills that act as foundations and building blocks for future activity.

All PE is based on a foundation of fitness and fundamental movement skills which are prerequisites for sporting ability.  Skills include:

  • agility (being able to move the body quickly and easily)
  • balance (being able to distribute weight easily to achieve stability)
  • coordination (being able to use limbs together smoothly and efficiently)
  • sports-specific skills (hitting, catching, jumping, throwing, running).


For the year 2022/2023, St. Peter's Primary School will receive £17,500 Sport Premium funding from The Department of Education and The Education Funding Agency. This funding will go towards providing an additional full time employee who will provide physical education and activity for both classes and small sport clubs. Over the year, a total of 3 before school and after school sports clubs are available each week at a maximum cost of £5 per session (no charge for those children receiving the pupil premium funding)

2022 2023 st peters sports premium strategy statement and impact report docx.pdf