St Peter's CoE Primary School

Remote Education

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to families about what to expect from remote learning at St. Peter's C.E. Primary School where national or local restrictions require entire groups or the whole school to remain at home. 

Remote Curriculum: What is taught at home?  

Class teachers and support staff use a range of approaches to teach pupils remotely through Google Classroom including:

  • live sessions;
  • recordings made by the class teachers;
  • recordings made by education specialists such as White Rose Maths; and
  • purposefully chosen websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas of the curriculum including video clips or sequences.

As part of teaching and learning, they deliver mathematics, reading, writing, phonics, spelling and topic activities as they would ordinarily do in class, but these appear in Google Classroom.  School staff consider the best use of the daily live sessions.  During a live session, class teachers may:

  • introduce learning for that day or subsequent days and explain new concepts;
  • check in with pupils to support their emotional wellbeing and find out how they are engaging with the learning;
  • facilitate question and answer sessions;
  • share presentations, websites and resources; and
  • provide feedback to groups or the whole class.

Accessing Remote Education

Where possible, a laptop has been provided to our families who may not already have a device at home. If families find themselves without a working device, we will arrange for one to be delivered to their home on a loan basis. 

Every child at St. Peter's has available a username and password for their Google account.  These details must be kept secure and are specific to each individual child.  Should parents need this re-set, class teachers will be able to oblige via our T2Parents texting service.  

Wherever possible, we recommend downloading the relevant Google apps to access learning to avoid pupils always having to sign in through a web browser.  

Whether at home or at school, every pupil at St. Peter's is part of a 'Google Classroom' where they are able to access activities, engage with their class teacher submit learning and receive feedback. 

Remote Teaching Timetable

EYFS - Flexible to fit around home environemnts 

KS1 3 hours per day 

KS2 4 hours

We expect our children to be present during live learning.

To follow the guidance of the class teacher, e.g. remaining on mute when needed, contributing when asked, using the chat function sensibly etc.

Children to use to complement their learning. Minimum of 40 minutes per day (20 Maths and 20 English)

 Engagement & Feedback

Our Marking and Feedback Policy is at the heart of both classroom practice and our current remote education provision at St. Peter’s. 

Assessment and feedback can take many forms and does not always mean extensive personalised written comments, especially under the current circumstances.  Class teachers will make use of live sessions to provide group or whole-class feedback whilst using the 'Submit' function of Google Classroom to identify specific assessment activities.  This function enables work to be submitted and written feedback to be given online. 

Class teachers will endeavour to check that learning activities have been submitted and communicate with parents via T2Pasrents should they have questions about missing submissions. 

SEND/Inclusion Support

We recognise that some pupils, for example those identified as having special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access some elements of remote education without significant additional support from adults at home.  We fully appreciate just how difficult managing remote learning can therefore be for some families and will always endeavour to work with parents and carers to support pupils in the following ways:

  • differentiating activities to ensure all pupils can access the learning whilst being sufficiently challenged; and
  • providing robust Intervention groups, led by support staff, in a very similar way to how it is delivered at school

In addition, support may also be coordinated by our SENDCo, Mr Ben Gorner-Patel.  As SENDCo, he will be happy to help with any queries that families may have and can be contacted by emailing:  

Remote Education for Isolating Pupils

Where individual pupils need to self-isolate, or parents choose to keep their child at home, but the majority of their peer group remains in school, remote education will differ from the approach for whole groups.  With all the additional measures and extra vigilance required, together with teaching all of the children in school and looking after the emotional wellbeing of everyone, it is important to consider staff workload.

If a child is not in school because they are self-isolating then we will endeavour to use the systems described above so that pupils are still able to join the classroom learning.