St Peter's CoE Primary School

Board of Governors Membership Details

The Board of Governors has 11 members:  2 elected Parent Governors; 2 staff Governor2, comprising the Headteacher and 1 staff Governor and 7 Foundation Governors and 1 Local Authority Governor. 

The work of the Governors is unpaid, however the Board employees a clerk to administer the recording of the activities of the Board and offer operational advice when appropriate.    The current membership of the Board is listed on the school website. 

The core requirement of all governors is a commitment to work to see the highest standards of teaching and learning, behaviour and personal development established and maintained at the school in order to maximise the educational progress of every pupil and the flourishing of every member of the school community.     All governors are expected to take part in regular training to develop and increase their effectiveness.

Attendance, Declarations & Membership details

Governor-Documents (ID 1107)