St Peter's CoE Primary School

Equality at St. Peter's


St. Peter's CE Primary School is committed to equality both as an employer and a service-provider. We aim to make sure that no-one experiences harassment, less favourable treatment or discrimination because of their age, any disability they may have, their ethnicity, colour or national origin, their gender, their gender identity or reassignment, their marital or civil partnership status, being pregnant or having recently had a baby, their religion or beliefs, their sexual identity and orientation.

We are committed to

  • Ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.
  • Making our school a safe, secure and stimulating place for everyone
  • Consulting and involving people from different groups in our decisions, for example, through talking to pupils and parents/carers and through our School Council.
  • Recognising that people have different needs and that promoting equality will involve addressing those needs rather than treating everyone the same.

Link to Policy



 Explore how St. Peter's promotes inclusion across the protected characteristics, underpinned by our Christian faith.

Our Christian Vision & Values 

Curriculum Design

SEND & Inclusion


Religious Education Uniform