St Peter's CoE Primary School

Our Christian Vision

Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life, and have it in its fullness."

John 10:10

We are an ambitious school with a strong Christian ethos, striving for every child to achieve their full potential

We celebrate the diversity of our community and seek to nurture confident, independent thinkers ready to be model citizens

We aim for academic excellence through challenging and inspiring teaching and an exciting, rich curriculum

We are a welcoming school community to which children, their families and staff feel they belong

We aim to live out our vision through the Bible scripture; John 10:10.

Visit the SDBE 

Visit St. Peter's Church 

Our Christian Values

At St. Peter's we reflect on and celebrate a  different value each half term.

Our values are underpinned by Bible scripture and relate to the ‘Fruit of the Spirit.’ 

Galatians 5:22-23

Through the teaching of our values: 

We expect the highest standards of work and behaviour.

We have two simple rules for our school community:

At St Peter’s we live out respect

At St Peter’s we always do our best

These values are discussed in class and collective worship, they feature in our daily prayers and in our praise assembly. We read stories which demonstrate the value and learn about people who inspire us to show this quality in our daily lives.

Respect Peace Joy
Love Trust Hope

British Values

St. Peter's Church of England Primary School serves a diverse, open and accepting community. 

Here at St. Peter's, everyone is committed to the values espoused within the Gospels. As modern British values have evolved from a time when we were historically Christian, our Gospel values and British values are fundamentally the same. 

Through the teaching of our curriculum, we believe in and promote core British values including democracy, respect, tolerance, acceptance, peace, being non-judgmental, humility, justice, the rule of the law, the dignity of each human being and individual liberty, forgiveness, generosity, fairness, discipline and hope.